Counterspin is New Zealand’s media revolution, hosted by Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer. We pride ourselves on being unscripted, authentic & funded by the people, for the people. We certainly are not propagandist lap-dogs for ANY particular individual, group or organisation. And we make no apologies for our biased commitment to truth.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
HAARP and the Turkey & Syria Earthquakes - ”PEOPLE HAD TO DIE & IT’S NOT OVER YET”
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Samantha Edwards Reports #2:
Nord Stream, the Turkey/Syria earthquakes, - and today, we wake to the news of yet another environmental disaster in Ohio.
Were these events truly accidents, or natural disasters, as they are being presented as?
Would governments, and the powers that be ever perpetrate such heinous assults against their own people?
Samantha Edwards believes they would, and that they have been doing so for years. In this video, she takes a look into circumstances behind the Turkey and Syria earthquake devastation, and into the possible use of HAARP technologies.
And a rousing speech (at 23min27) from Senator Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă from the SOS Romania Party supports the view that these earthquakes were the result of a techtonic weapn attack.
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Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Episode 85: The Best Hour not on Television that Kiwis will ever see
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Counterspin hosting the 4th hour of the Alex Jones Show brings you the best hour you won't find on New Zealand television.
We cover the Labour Party back tracking on Jacinda Ardern's woke policies, the people have been standing up against the establishment and BREAKING news: Mother of 3, Pamela Taylor has been kidnapped by the state under medical tyranny.
NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party Co-Leader, Donna Pokere-Phillips joins us to break down the events at this years Waitangi Day Celebrations on February 6th, and her questions of political figures about those who have died from the jab, including 30 from her husband's family.
We discuss the shutting down of the returned Special Air Services commando, Paumea McKay, as he sought to inform people of the power they hold.
Finally, we will review the National Party leader Christopher Luxon's performance in a public meeting held in Rangiora, which did not go the way he thought it would as tough questions were asked.
Please consider donating to support the people’s media: https://counterspinmedia.com/donate
The New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party: https://www.outdoorsparty.co.nz
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Kelvyn & Hannah focus on the most important issue in NZ right now - the globalist attack on our access to natural health products & practitioners.
Just before Christmas the Government tabled the Therapeutic Products Bill in Parliament expecting submissions to be in by February 15. Due to public pressure this has now changed to March 5.
Joining them to discuss the globalists attempt to take over NZ natural health is Naturopath David Holden from holdenhealthcare.com, NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party co-leader Sue Grey and Dana Lee, our Northland Correspondent.
The risks are real and NZ could lose access to a vast array of natural products due to big pharma collusion with Government.
There is also a risk of race based (apartheid) policy making special exemptions for Rongoa Maori (Maori medicine).
Here is our extensive blog post with all the information to get you started:
STOP THE THERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS BILL! – Counterspin Media: bit.ly/therapeutic-products-bill
The submissions date to object has now been extended to March 5.
Make you voice heard here: Therapeutic Products Bill Submission - New Zealand Parliament (www.parliament.nz) : https://www.parliament.nz/en/ECommitteeSubmission/53SCHE_SCF_BILL_130084/CreateSubmission Sign the NZ Outdoors & Freedoms Party petition: bit.ly/petition-hands-off
Individual NZ MP's can be contacted here: MP-Contact-Details-2023.pdf (counterspinmedia.com) : https://counterspinmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/MP-Contact-Details-2023.pdf
The Guy Hatchart Report: https://bit.ly/HatchardReportTherapeutic
The Bisset Report: NZ Health & Food Under Attack - STOP the Therapeutic Products Bill Now: https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=63da025ef246b125edef98b1
Please help by donating to Counterspin Media: https://counterspinmedia.com/donate
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Episode 83: A Chip off the Old Block - Meet New Zealand’s New Prime Minister
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
The incoming New Zealand Prime Minister Chris 'Chippy' Hipkins may be a new face to many, but will he be any different, or is it simply a matter of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic?
Kelvyn and Hannah discuss the recent resignation of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and arrival new PM Hipkins. They breakdown the media coverage at home & abroad, and discuss whether the new boss will be any different from the old boss.
Trevor Loudon, a prolific NZ author and contributor to The Epoch Times who spotlights communist infiltration into governments around the world, joins us to explain that even his home country is not immune to this.
Despite NZ media running the narrative that Ardern quit due to misogyny & abuse, a local breakfast show had no issue shooting a Donald Trump doll live on air, making a complete mockery of their "abuse against politicians should never be tolerated" narrative.
Two Auckland farmers join us, after their farewell message to Ardern went viral around the world.
The grassroots Counterspin Media billboard campaign has been gaining traction, so much so that NZ MSM is discussing it.
Follow Trevor Loudon's work here:
Trevor Loudon | https://trevorloudon.com
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Friday Jan 20, 2023
Episode 82: Ding Dong Ardern is Gone - But we will Not Forget
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Counterspin Media’s co-hosts Hannah Spierer and Kelvyn Alp once again have the privilege of hosting the 4th hour of the Alex Jones Show, this time the day after New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation.
They are joined by a special guest, Damien De Ment, an outspoken Ameri-Kiwi Counterspin contributor, who is a prime target of the Government’s Disinformation Project. Damien lifts the covers off the globalist organisations invited to infiltrate New Zealand society at the behest of Jacinda Ardern.
Big tech is colluding with NZ government agents and players like the WEF, NATO, U.N, George Soros, Pierre Omidyar etc to roll out the globalist agenda in NZ.
While Jacinda may be gone, she will be replaced by another globalist minion. And while she may be going from parliament, the New Zealand public will not forget her crimes and will strive to hold her accountable.
🔄 Counterspin
NZs Media Revolution • Facts & Evidence based • Not a pay to say platform
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Episode 81: Counterspin Exposes Medical Tyranny Expanding Worldwide
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Kelvyn and Hannah had the honour and privilege of hosting the 4th hour of the Alex Jones show today.
With 24 hour's notice we pulled together a fast paced show that covered the highlights from last year including the Wellington Protest, the Let's Not Forget tour, our arrest and the Baby Will story.
We discuss Jacinda Ardern's connection to the WEF.
Dr Guy Hatchard joins us for two segments to discuss the jab, it's mortality rate in NZ & it's effects. We then cover the Therapeutic Products Bill as the NZ govt attempts to remove our rights to natural medicine.
We wrap up the show with a quick summary of the policies are being implemented to roll out the global agenda in NZ as part of our country being a lab rat to the world.
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Baby Will TRUTH-A-THON PART 7: Jab Injured Warrior Barry Duffield
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Barry Duffield is an actor known worldwide for his strong, masculine roles.
In this heart-breaking interview, Barry shares how his physical & mental health have collapsed since taking the jab.
There wasn't a dry eye in the studio as he shared his story.
Duffield acted in numerous TV shows like Young Hercules, Xena: Warrior Princess and Spartacus.
In 2004, he played the Dr Poulton in the second movie Treasure Island Kids called The Monster of Treasure Islands.
In 2010, he played the voice of a bodyguard in Yogi Bear with Justin Timberlake.
Help Barry recover with ozone therapy:
Background: The TRUTH-A-THON aired on December 4th
A CSM, Free NZ Media & United Free Press coproduction, co-hosted by Kelvyn Alp, Hannah Spierer & Liz Gunn.
The Baby Will story went viral at the beginning of Dec 2022, when he was kidnapped by the NZ state, under a court order, and forced to have a vaccinated blood transfusion against his parents’ wishes, for the urgent lifesaving heart surgery he needed.
Counterspin Media wanted to do all we could to support Free NZ to get this story out, so we collaborated to produce a 12 hour TRUTH-A-THON to raise money for the family and get global experts on to discuss the issues that were concerning Will’s parents Samantha Savage and Cole Reeves.
The event extended to 14 hours with the arrival and David Icke who generously capped off the event.
Counterspin • NZs Media Revolution • Facts & Evidence based • Not a pay to say platform
Counterspin Media
Question everything.
To see the full video versions of these podcasts, please visit https://counterspinmedia.com