Counterspin is New Zealand’s media revolution, hosted by Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer. We pride ourselves on being unscripted, authentic & funded by the people, for the people. We certainly are not propagandist lap-dogs for ANY particular individual, group or organisation. And we make no apologies for our biased commitment to truth.
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Counterspin Media, Free NZ Media, and United Free Press hosted an all day live-stream “Truthathon” event to pull in experts from around New Zealand and the world to lay out facts & evidence in support of baby Will who is the latest target of the globalist death cult.
4-month-old twin Will, needs lifesaving heart surgery! But the medical staff at Starship Children's Hospital and the New Zealand Blood & Organ Service will not work together with Will’s family to allow Will to get access to the un-jabbed blood his parents have prearranged. The blood bank should have jab-free blood available and it should never have got to this situation.
NOW, starship lawyers are taking court action to remove parental rights over an innocent child.
The spotlight moment of Will's Truth-a-thon event was the keynote and final speaker David Icke who joined us in the 12th hour to lay out the global plan for humanity.
David connects the dots that form the death cult seeking to rule our planet, and ties together the links between this cabal and world leaders including Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau and of course New Zealand’s own Jacinda Ardern.
He said he looks forward to returning to New Zealand to see Adern in her prison cell.
Young Baby Will has now found himself at the centre of a stoush that could eventually shine a huge spotlight on the New World Order. When the people of New Zealand and the world see how they are coming after our children there is hope that the people will see the light and decide this is a line that should never be crossed.
For more on Will’s story please visit:
And for helping us to line up our international guest speakers we have a big shout out to United Free Press:
And David Icke:
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Episode 80: BAD BLOOD - Before Will, there was Alex
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
In this episode we feature the story of Montana mother, Cornelia Hertzler and her new born baby boy Alexander who died days after receiving unauthorized vaxxed blood transfusion.
Liz Gunn, from Free NZ, interviews Cornelia in the second half of this episode.
But first we do an update on the baby Will story that has gone global this week. Sue Grey, the family's lawyer discusses the latest news in the battle between the NZ Government trying to get guardianship of the 4-month-old who desperately needs life-saving heart surgery. For safety reasons his parents want unvaccinated blood, however the NZ Blood and Organ Service is refusing to allow the 20+ direct donors that have been organised to give their blood despite many being already approved by the blood bank. We can't let the government force the same fate as Alex upon Will.
Joydah Mae's song "Power of the Will" features at the end. For more from Joydah see:
Support the legal case: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SueGreyLawyer
Support Will's wellbing: https://www.buymeacoffe.com/savebabywill
Support Free NZ: https://freenz.org.nz
Support Counterspin Media: https://counterspinmedia.com
Contact the NZ Blood & Organ Service:
0800 448 325
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
WILL SAVAGE-REEVES a 4mth-old from New Zealand requires open heart surgery, for this, he will require a blood transfusion.
Will’s parents wish for their baby son to receive ‘unvaccinated’ blood.
Auckland hospital intends to undertake the surgery using ‘VACCINATED’ blood and have taken a case against the parents to the high court. They are seeking the removal of the parents’ right to choose.
This story has now gone global with many weighing in on the case. The High Court of New Zealand has deferred this case to Tuesday, 06th December 2022 where both sides will present their arguments.
The Blood Bank and the Auckland Hospital have refused their request for direct donor unvaccinated blood, for which they have 20+ willing and suitable donors on standby.
In this episode we have a discussion with Liz Gunn about the work she has done with Will and his family.
We play clip from two interviews with the family and play the second one in full at the end.
We also serve notice to the MSM and call on the truth and freedom community to unite to save this baby's life. We also call out and challenge ‘The Platform’, a podcast that portrays itself to be different from the mainstream media hacks, but its actions seem anything but.
This is a time-sensitive and desperate situation where any further delays could be life-threatening.
New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party's co-leader Sue Grey was in court in her capacity as a lawyer this morning defending the family.
Please share as widely as you can to raise awareness and STOP this insanity!
For financial support to help cover medical costs for the Savage Reeves family, please consider donating to:
Samantha Savage 06-0663-0388886-00
ANZ's SWIFT code is ANZBNZ22. Note: If the other party requires an 11-digit SWIFT, use ANZBNZ22XXX
Free NZ website: https://FreeNZ.org
If you have suggestions to help, Liz Gunn can be contacted here: mailto://liz.gunn.org
PART 1 Video available on Rumble here - https://rumble.com/v1xllk6-freedom-to-choose-clean-blood.html
This is a human rights issue and one that could affect any one of us.
Furthermore, Liz tirelessly fundraises for many in the community who need financial support.
FreeNZ rarely ask for donations to support their important work, so if you'd like to give back to her on this special day, please consider donating here:
FREENZ: 03-0252-0392354-003
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
These NZ Doctor’s have Baby’s Blood on their Hands - Will’s Right to Choose
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
A Free NZ Production.
Meet Master WILL SAVAGE REEVES - 4mths Old from New Zealand
Will requires open heart surgery, for this he will require a blood transfusion.
Will’s parents wish for their baby son to recieve unvaccinated blood.
The Blood Bank and the Auckland Hospital have refused their request for direct donor unvaccinated blood, for which they have 20+ willing and suitable donors and intend to undertake the surgery using VACCINATED blood!
This is a time-sensitive and desperate situation with a hearing on Wednesaday 30th November regarding guardianship of little Will.
Please share as widely as you can to raise awareness and STOP this insanity!
For financial support to help cover medical costs for the Savage Reeves family, please consider donating to:
Samantha Savage 06-0663-0388886-00
ANZ's SWIFT code is ANZBNZ22. Note: If the other party requires an 11 digit SWIFT, use ANZBNZ22XXX
Free NZ website: https://FreeNZ.org
If you have suggestions to help, Liz Gunn can be contacted here: mailto://liz.gunn.org
Video also available on Rumble here - https://rumble.com/v1xllk6-freedom-to-choose-clean-blood.html
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Episode 78: Countering the Narrative - Live from the Skyliner
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Hannah & Kelvyn were LIVE from the Skyliner, in Waipu, Northland. At the time our LIVE stream and backup channel were interfered with and unable to go ahead.
CSM hosts were joined by a fantastic panel of guests to counter the current narratives around the CIA & media collusion, the NZ media landscape & Security Intelligence Service, the Covid-19 scamdemic and climate change.
The format included poignant, undisputed videos, primarily from the mainstream media, giving the panelists a starting point for each discussion.
We featured a video of former CIA intelligence agent, Frank Snepp, discussing his work, feeding propaganda to prominent journalists during the Vietnam War.
The late Udo Ulfkotte, a German journalist at the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper, exposes the CIA directions to journalists & their "unofficial cover" status.
We discuss the NZ Security Intelligence Service, who recently asked people to dob in suspected terrorists and have released a document to help identify radicals:https://rumble.com/v1r0b9o-new-zealand-secret-service-opposing-govts-covid-19-measures-could-be-a-sign.html
Ed Dowd breaks down the latest jab research on the War Room Pandemic to support our discussion on Covid-19: https://rumble.com/v1v0ype-ed-dowd-breaks-down-covid-vaccine-they-screwed-it-up-and-its-devastating.html
The video we played of John Kerry, at Cop27, explains the creation of a need for climate change solutions, like what was done with the jab & Covid-19.
Liz Gunn former MSM broadcaster and now truth reporter at http://freenz.org
Amy Benjamin, former AUT Law Lecturer & truth commentator at The American Spirit channel https://rumble.com/c/c-1057344
Damien DeMent, Counterspin Media contributor & a leading voice in NZ's truth community. https://t.me/DamienDeMent
Brad Flutey, Horus Media & and The Dig in at Marsden campaign coordinator. https://t.me/HorusMediaPayAttention
You will want to stay tuned until the end for a Q&A seesion you'll never see on MSM.
If you liked this event, please consider donating at https://www.counterspinmedia.com/donate
Counterspin NZs Media Revolution
Facts & Evidence based
Not a pay to say platform
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Following our recent in depth interviews with funeral directors and embalmers (episode 74) and Dr James Thorp OBGYN (episodes 75 & 76), we now dive even deeper into the situation on the ground here in New Zealand.
Two medical whistleblowers feature as we continue our inquiry into what is happening to pregnant women, since the roll out of the Covid-19 jab.
First we speak to NZDSOS Dr. Alison Goodwin, who goes through Government & Pfizer documents demonstrating the contradictory advise being given to medical experts.
Dr. Goodwin confirms doctors are being silenced and are being prevented from doing the best by their patients.
Our midwifery whistleblower confirms she is gagged.
The abnormalities she is seeing with pregnant mums has left her no choice but to tell the world what she is seeing.
Heavy bleeding, clotting, calcified placentas and a HORRIFIC increase in miscarriages amongst other things.
This information needs to be shared far and wide.
If you like this episode please consider donating at https://www.counterspinmedia.com/donate
MCNZ Informed Consent:https://www.mcnz.org.nz/assets/standards/55f15c65af/Statement-on-informed-consent.pdf
MCNZ Guidance Statement: https://www.mcnz.org.nz/assets/standards/Guidelines/30e83c27d9/Guidance-statement-COVID-19-vaccine-and-your-professional-responsibility.pdf
Pfizer RMP:https://medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/Comirnaty-RMP.pdf
Medsafe Comirnaty Datasheet:https://medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/datasheet/c/comirnatyinj.pdf
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science: https://nzdsos.com (Beware imitation sites with .nz domains)
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Episode 76: Murder by Vax Must Stop Now! - Dr James Thorp MD Interview Part 2
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
In this second part of our interview with U.S Dr. James Thorp we dive deep into the data around the Covid-19 jab & why fertile or pregnant woman should not take it.
Dr. Thorpe shows the Pfizer documents MSM refuses to acknowledge and government advice from the U.K for pregnant women, not to get jabbed.
The evidence is damning with an unprecedented number of neo natal babies dying and mothers experiencing miscarriages.
Dr. James Thorp is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynaecologist with over 43 years' experience.
What he states as an undeniable fact, is being backed up our conversations with midwives working here in NZ.
Part 1 of this interview: 'Episode 75: ”Dr Nikki Turner, you are murdering people! ... Now debate me.” - Dr James Thorp MD' can be found here: https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=634b5706f9e7b90ad5085284
🔄 Counterspin
NZ's Media Revolution
Facts & Evidence based
Not a pay to say platform
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
In this episode U.S OBGYN Dr. James Thorp takes down NZ Government advisor Dr. Turner and challenges her to a debate.
He pulls no punches and delivers a knockout blow to this Govt shill who has actively promoted the killshot to vulnerable mothers-to-be.
Dr. James Thorp is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 43 years of obstetrical experience
Dr. Nikki Turner is a Wellington based GP and is also the Director of the Immunisation Advisory Centre, University of Auckland.
In a public campaign Dr. Turner has advertised the jab as safe & effective for pregnancy and that the antibodies are beneficial for the developing fetus.
Not only does Dr. Thorp meticulously point out how Dr. Turner is wrong but he challenges her to a Counterspin debate.
Will Dr. Turner step up or will she just shut up?
This is Part 1 of an extensive interview we conducted with him to go through the evidence that proves the mRNA "vaccine" is dangerous for mothers and their unborn babies. Part 2 will be released at a later date.
Please Donate and support free independent media in New Zealand: https://counterspinmedia.com
Counterspin Media
Question everything.
To see the full video versions of these podcasts, please visit https://counterspinmedia.com